Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Week 2, Day 3: Circus School

The day started with Tefilah (beautiful as always), Torah (destruction of the First Temple) and then, making more things that fly!



 There were paper airplanes, rockets, straw planes, straw rockets, and many other creations. Attempts were made to launch the bottle rockets with baking soda and vinegar. Although it was hilarious, it was not successful. 
Some campers made cards to thank Israeli soldiers.

Then we got on the bus for circus school.

At circus school we were started observing and learning skills in a big group. 

Then camp wassplit into four groups to learn different skills: 
tightrope walking





And jumping (too hard to photograph).

Then the coaches instructed the campers in something even better; human pyramids! 


Back at camp we had time for ball and bubbles.