Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 4: Ice is Nice. Torah is Better!

The morning started with Tefilah and Torah. Each Tefillah group learned an aliyah or two from this week's parasha to present to the rest of camp. We sat together and each learned from each other (with some help from the counselors). 

We split into two groups to do experiential learning of some concepts from parasha Maasei. Experiential learning is one of my great passions. On you can see my weekly projects. It was exciting to do the projects with a big group!

One group started by making a giant topographical map of Israel, (based on today's boundaries, not those described in the parasha). 

With clay, a sheet of wood and a bunch of maps they got to work.

Meanwhile, the boys played Ir Miklat [the cities of refuge described in the parasha] Tag. The game works like this: 'It' counts to twenty while everyone else hides. One person hiding is secretly the 'Kohen Gadol'. 'It' starts to look for people while they try to run to base, the 'Ir Miklat', without being tagged. If tagged, they are frozen to the spot. When the 'Kohen Gadol' gets tagged the game starts over!

Then we swapped!

 When the boys were finished working without intervention, Israel looked like this:
 With some guidance it became this:

After Torah time, we moved returned to our ice theme with the popsicle we made yesterday.

And finally, we went ice skating!!!

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