Thursday, August 7, 2014

Science Week, Thursday, Science Museum

 Today we actually did a little bit science before Tefilah. My affordable Kosher order meant dry ice to add water to, and enjoy the chemical reaction.
 So Fun!

After Tefilah we started carpooling to the light-rail.
By now we are pros at mass transit (mostly).


From the light-rail to the monorail!
The monorail was an exciting  and new adventure for many campers.

Then it was time for lunch. The journey takes almost 2 hours each way.

Finally we went into the museum.
I personally don't have much to say about the spy exhibit. But the campers loved the avoiding laser sensors room and waiting in line for it over and over.

After the spies, some of us went to visit the butterflies.
The butterflies liked us almost as much as we liked them. 

We rejoined the group just in time to watch Kalman (a substitute counselor) ride a bike on a track, really high in the air. 

The campers were riveted.

And then we did the return trip to camp. 


  1. I liked the larger pictures in this blog -- and also the funny slide show - was that on purpose?

    1. I don't know why my camera made the slide show, but I love it! Sometimes it does crazy and unexpected things. In one photo from ice skating the camera added snow. In my 'free time' I want to 1) learn more about my phone camera tricks 2) learn more about photography.

  2. i found that slide show worked one time when i tried putting a video on but by mistake put it in the 'picture' icon instead of 'video'. i noticed the snow too, that was awesome!
