Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Still Surviving (week 4, day 3)

Wednesdays mean 'parasha and pool'. Our morning learning was Devarim 8:1-10, which describes many of the items needed for survival and the miraculous ways Hashem provided for them to survive the wild of the midbar. The section describes the shivat haminim, and culminates with the command to thank Hashem when you are finished eating. 
We learned it, discussed it, and then made Birkon (bencher) holders. 

For a full write-up and more pictures, see my other blog,

Then we went for a nature hike/play in Graham Hill.
The campers were equipped with bags so they could collect pieces of nature and create 'wild art'. 
 Everyone was enthusiastic about finding pieces.

 But playground equipment was equally alluring. 

The rest of the day was spent creating, painting, and swimming!

 Fun all around! We can't believe there are only two days left!

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