Monday, August 11, 2014

Survival Skills (Week 4 Day 1)

 Today started Survive the Wild Week. The first thing we need to survive is not being able to use our usual space because it is under construction. 
Survival is all about adaptability!

Our Torah  learning was from Shemot, right after Bnei Yisrael cross Yam Suf.  Bnei Yisrael begin complaining about their lack of something required for survival: water. They are at Mara, and Hashem instructs Moshe on how to remove the bitterness from the water. We also looked at an article about how MIT researchers just discovered that sapwood can be used to filter water! We will continue to look at how Bnei Yisrael 'survived the wild'.

Then we had workshops in survival skills. The incredible Camp Yavneh counselors really rose to the occasion, creating exciting and educational experiences for the campers. 

'Nurse' Rena taught First Aid; what to do if someone is hurt when you are away from civilization. Her lesson included how to splint an injury with sticks and twine. 
'Chef' Rena taught about catching our food. She taught the campers how to make fishing poles, what to use as bait, and how to reel in a fish. She also explained the art of spear fishing. 

Sure, there was only a wading pool of rubber duckies, but the technique is the same, right?

'Let's Follow Instructions' Rubissa, worked with campers on how to build a real tent.

In the wilds of Graham Hill Playground, the other counselors were busy demonstrating more skills.

'GPS' Chaim taught orienteering. They learned about directions, how to read a compass, and followed an important and complicated trail.

'Fire Starter' Shlomo taught how to build a fire. Where to collect wood, the ideal area for a fire, how to lay out the wood, and fire safety were all part of his course. 

'Shelter' Shmuel taught campers how to build shelter when you are not equipped with a tent. Utilizing twine, tarp, and branches, the campers built a great shelter. 

Everyone had a great time!

We needed a real survival tool and went for Slurpees.

 Next we headed to the wilds of SBH. (They graciously offered to share their social hall while Camp Yavneh is displaced.)

Campers and counselors set up an obstacle course, to test survival skills in difficult domains. 

And fun!

 Other campers made art relating to the wild.

It was a busy and fun-filled day for all! 
Good work counselors!

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